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Avi Foods is growing our community.  Meet our influencers and check out their blogs! 

I am a certified integrative nutrition coach and use my knowledge to educate others. It ultimately inspired me to work directly with farmers who grow lupini beans & develop the perfect plant-based protein! And that’s how Avinola & AVI Foods was born!

Our granola is nutrient dense, has zero added sugars and loads of prebiotic fiber to help keep you full. The best part is it’s made from superfoods that span as far as our travels and nourish you from the inside out. Now boarding all rows on flight 143 to better health….

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keto granola influencers

Our Intrepid Influencers

Lynn Maamari | @yourhealthydiaryy

Has 12 hobbies at any given time. Apart from flying, she loves running and training the visually impaired. Certified as a Health Coach from the Integrative Institute of Nutrition in NYC. Spends most of her time outdoors & on the move.


Fernando | @fitaviatorsclub

Improving crew member quality of life through health and fitness on the road and at home. The aviation industry is filled with many challenges to keep your health at optimum. As NASM Certified CPT and RMT Certified Intervention coach, I share my knowledge combined with experience to provide the necessary information, and advice, to overcome industry obstacles and live a balanced healthy lifestyle. After all, we want to feel good and healthy to perform at our best everyday.


Mason - Director of Operations

Likes keeping track of the chaos. Enjoys those rare moments when things actually go according to plan. Enjoys teaching little league…. and taking daily naps.

keto granola influencer

Honey - Chief Happiness Paw-trol

Snacking, napping and being the center of attention is her passion. Loves making you feel guilty for leaving her at home and will remind you who is boss if you forget to give her a treat.

zero sugar granola

Nicole @ketowizzard

Nutrition is important to me, because when I feel my best I give my best! Healthy foods produce a healthy mind! I feel my best when I eat nutritious foods that fuel my body and mind! Avinola is hands down my favorite granola! Not only is it made from nutritious ingredients, but it tastes amazing too! 

Fernando @FitAviatorsClub

Everyday we make choices that continue to shape our lifestyle. These choices derive from our knowledge and experiences that can create or break habits. The crew member lifestyle is one that makes it more challenging to maintain optimal health. Nonetheless, it can be accomplished through Fitness and Nutrition.

Fitness is more than just picking up weights or going for a run. Structured exercise result in positive psychological and physical benefits that go beyond your expectations. It's setting yourself up for a strong healthy you in the long run. Think of it as your body's 401k.    

I invite you to join and learn the many effective ways on how to maintain a well balanced healthy lifestyle in aviation. In an industry surrounded by variety and uncertainty, one thing is certain. The habits you create now are what lead you to obtain that healthy lifestyle.


Curt @ketoxjunkie

As a person that has lost 300 lbs along the way I have found that nutrition is so important in the grand scheme of things. What you use to fuel your body daily not only gives you the energy to get you through the day but it can help lower the risk of things such as high blood pressure.

I love Avinola because it's a great tasting snack and the fact that it uses lupini flakes. I love that it's keto friendly and I feel no guilt with eating it. Also, it goes great with ice cream/yogurt and straight out the package.